turkey season basics
By: Paul Campbell
There is a tremendous amount of "Turkey Hunting" content available online today—how-to videos, hunting videos, gear reviews, calling tips, etc., are literally at your fingertips. Right now, you're probably reading this on your phone, fingers anxiously moving, looking to find the shot of dopamine that is available. It's the world we live in. I'm guilty of it just as you are. But, right now, take a deep breath. Let's get through this article together! If you're looking for content about how to hunt turkeys or videos of hunts, we have a little bit of that living here. I love watching Dave from Pinhoti Project slipping through some Southern hardwoods, going toe-to-toe with an old gobbler. Spoiler alert, you'll probably see Mr. Owens pop in for a visit on TurkeySeason.com very soon. The THP guys and Team Wingbone provide endless hours for the turkey hunting content consumer, and I encourage you to check out their videos and podcast. TurkeySeason.com is different.
I want to explain what the heart and soul of TurkeySeason.com is. Honestly, it's simple to explain. The heart of TurkeySeason.com is you. Yeah, you—the turkey hunter. The people are what make turkey hunting truly special. The friends and relationships made through turkey hunting are endless. The stories and memories created from just one season could fill a book. The memories and tales from a lifetime of hunting are endless. I want to hear as many of those stories as I can. I have a relentless fascination about turkey hunting and turkey hunters. The hunters that came before us have built a culture and appreciation for the pursuit and the animal that is unrivaled across the other hunting pursuits. At times, that culture and appreciation are under pressure from people that don't truly understand what it means to be a turkey hunter.
Turkey hunting is rooted in nostalgia and reverence. Many turkey hunters are guided by a code. That code is both written and unwritten. A person need not sign a contract or agreement to be a turkey hunter, but many of the pursuit's greatest literary minds have laid out the rules for both the practices of hunting turkeys and the proper actions of the hunters. Nostalgia warms our hearts and puts a smile on our face, but respect and reverence guide the turkey hunter at his very core.
TurkeySeason.com will tell the story of the Wild Turkey from a new perspective—the history of the turkey and of the turkey hunter. Check in with the Turkey Season website regularly for written content and some of the finest Wild Turkey photography. The Turkey Season podcast is live and available anywhere you listen to your podcasts. Please subscribe and listen to every episode. The story of the Wild Turkey and those that pursue them is dynamic and intriguing. It is my goal to provide the turkey hunter with a new perspective, a unique form of entertainment, and to introduce you to some of the finest turkey hunting stories around.
TurkeySeason.com: Where Culture, Knowledge, Community, and Heritage meet.
Rooted In Reverence.
Osceola Wild Turkey-Courtesy of Jonah Hyatt